Now that he's learned to crawl on all fours and can get around quite fast, his new favorite activity is pushing around little cars. He'll sit down and put a Little Person on it it, then lift his leg and push the car under his leg. Then he starts chasing it. He'll push it, crawl after it, push it, crawl after it...and so on. It's so cute to watch him take interest in these different things when for so long all he could be interested in was whatever we put in front of him to play with.
He is progressing physically but slowly still. Now at 15 months he's able to finally crawl, and pull himself up on stuff. He's still quite wobbly when he stands for any length of time and needs to sit. He's learning how to crawl up stairs and waves good bye and claps and imitates us (today he was making kissing noises after I made them!). We celebrate every milestone with him almost more I think and love seeing the progress he's making! Now if only he'd start making progress like that on the scales!
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